Straightforward convergent access to 2-arylated polysubstituted benzothiazoles

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CNRS, Toulouse Cedex 4, France

Beilstein Arch. 2019, 2019152.

Published 05 Dec 2019

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This preprint has not been peer-reviewed. When a peer-reviewed version is available, this information will be updated.


A modular access to 2,4 disubstituted benzothiazoles has been achieved though the intermediacy of 4-bromo-2-iodobenzothiazole. The difference in reactivity of both halogens was advantageously exploited to achieve sequential Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling giving access to a range of polyaromatic derivatives featuring a central benzothiazole core.

Keywords: Orthogonal Suzuki-Miyaura cross coupling; benzothiazole; boronic derivatives.

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When a peer-reviewed version of this preprint is available, this information will be updated in the information box above. If no peer-reviewed version is available, please cite this preprint using the following information:

Sadek, O.; Perrin, D. M.; Gras, E. Beilstein Arch. 2019, 2019152. doi:10.3762/bxiv.2019.152.v1

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